Putting the Brakes on Fast Fashion

In this fast-paced world, everyone we come across is running after the latest trends. Speaking of which, the fashion industry has made really significant strides leveraging these trends. People in the highly advancing era like to stay updated.

Moreover, the fact that they are staying on par with the world should reflect in their clothing choices as well. That’s the majority thinking of the common masses nowadays in a world where fast fashion is the norm.

Appalling Environmental Effects Of Fast Fashion

While there is nothing wrong with being a trendsetter or following the trend. But is it more important than preserving the planet Earth? After all, the fashion industry is responsible for about 10% carbon emissions and 20% wastewater at a global level.

Textile manufacturing plants utilize 2,000 gallons of water to manufacture a single pair of jeans. Moreover, dyeing fabrics pollute water to an extent that it has become the second-largest cause of water pollution throughout the world.

Coming to air pollution, a plethora of textiles are burned which releases harmful fumes into the environment. Not to mention, the tons of garbage lying in landfills contributes to soil pollution. The ocean is filled with millions of microfibers as a result of washing clothing items. These are merely some of the adverse effects of fast fashion.

Fast Fashion And It’s Humanitarian Impact

Fast fashion results in a rapid change in the demands. Usually, people use and throw clothes at a skyrocketing rate which gives rise to extreme labor. The human cost is higher than we can imagine. For example, most of the workers in textile mills on menial wages and are subject to massive exploitation. They have to work in degrading conditions for long hours. Since the supply of workers is much greater, their wages decline which makes room for rampant exploitation.

Due to a significant rise in fast fashion, the primary basis for revenues is sales of more and more products. Retailers are under the pressure of offering brand new and unique collections over and over again.

Initiatives Towards Building Sustainability And Preserving The Environment For The Long Haul

Redesigning the future of the fashion industry is a mandatory requirement if we aspire to preserve the environment for the long term. Keeping this in mind, most of the fashion retailers across the world are actively taking measures to build sustainability and reduce the severely negative impact of fast fashion on the environment.

Some of the methods entrepreneurs are adopting include creating issues with algae, recycling plastic, recycling old items to make new clothes, using organic cotton, offering free repairs, utilizing waste, and so on. For example, the world-famous fashion retailer H&M recycles old clothing and footwear after collecting and sorting them.

They have also launched a wardrobe recycling program in America. Under this, buyers who have more than 5 clothing items or shoes receive lucrative discounts. They also recycle wearable items as second-hand things and turned on wearable ones into brand new products such as insulation fibers or cleaning cloths.

Another initiative some entrepreneurs have taken is offering high-end clothes for elite occasions as rentals. Not everyone can afford an expensive wedding dress or a prom dress for their special day. Rentals are a boon to those who wish to look their best without the whopping investment.

Here we are taking wedding dresses as an example because you won’t come across many people who repeat that one, correct? Of course, for rentals to achieve great success, the offer has to be hassle-free and lucrative to tempt people away from frequent purchases.

Reducing The Environmental Footprint Of Clothes

It’s high time people stop using the status symbol as an excuse for making fast fashion a significant part of their lives. Ditching the use and throw attitude will preserve resources and won’t break the bank at the same time. Moreover, disposal of unwanted clothes that are in perfect condition doesn’t make much sense.

No matter how many entrepreneurs take the initiative of reducing the fast fashion trend, it won’t become mainstream unless the common masses start reusing the clothes more often. This will be the next step towards putting the brakes on fast fashion once and for all.

Clara Trilling
Clara is a Parisian fashionnista Living in Dubai

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