The Meanings of Adele’s Tattoos

Adele is one of the world’s most popular recording artists. At school, she sang “Rise” and it had a profound effect on everyone. She has a wide variety of admirers from all walks of life. It’s true that her vocal chords deserve some attention, but it’s her love of tattoos that really makes her stand out. She has eight known tattoos. Find out what these words mean by reading them.

1. Dots on the Wrist

Dots Tattoos on Adele’s Wrist

On Adele’s left wrist, three dots have been tattooed. Adele’s pal Joy Williams of The Civil Wars also has a tattoo similar to this one. As the name suggests, the three dots represent an ellipsis, an element of grammar used to indicate that a thought or phrase is incomplete. Having an ellipsis tattoo on your body is a symbol of progression, whether it’s good or bad. It depicts something that isn’t required to be said, written, or explained but rather left out of the picture altogether

2. “One Penny”

Adele One penny Tattoo

Adele’s “One Penny” tattoo, which she got on August 13, 2011, is a tribute to her mother Penny. Lyle Tuttle Tattoo & Museum in San Francisco, California, is where the tattoo was done. Right below the “three dots” tattoo, it is visible.

3. 19 and 21

19 and 21 Tattoos on One penny

The Latter-day Saints who gave her the coin engraved a date on it, as she had requested. Perhaps “1921” refers to her first two albums, which were both named after her age when they were released (19 and 21).

4. “A”

The “A” Tattoo behind Adele’s Ear

Adele has three tattoos on her body dedicated to her son Angelo. The letter “A” is tattooed on her right ear.

5. “Paradise”

“Paradise” Tattoo on Her Hand

On her left hand, she has a tattoo of the word “paradise,” which she had done in New York in June 2013. Lana Del Rey has an almost identical tattoo, but Adele says she didn’t know about the singer’s before getting hers done.
Something that is heavenly or has a heavenly abode is described as a “Paradise” in the dictionary definition. This could be a sign of her devotion to and affection for her family.

6. “Angelo”

Son’s Name “Angelo” Tattoo

Adele’s tattoos are an outward sign of the deep affection she has for her son, who was born prematurely. She has “Angelo” tattooed on her right hand, in honor of her son. In an interview, she explained how much her son meant to her, and that everything else in her life pales in comparison. She adores him more than anything else in the world.

7. 5 Doves

Doves Tattoo On Adele’s Shoulder

The significance of the five doves tattooed on her right shoulder blade is unknown, but they are clearly visible. On the other hand, she has the number five tattooed on the inside of her right ring finger, which she has said is her favorite number.

8. Mountain

Mountain Tattoo on the Wrist

She revealed, gently rolling back her sleeve to reveal a shaded sketch of a mountainous range, “I feel like I’m always on a mountain.” “I always feel like I’m on top of the world.” It serves as a constant reminder of the ups and downs of life, and an encouraging message to keep going, no matter how steep the ascent.

9. Saturn

Saturn Tattoo

After having anxiety attacks after having to cancel two shows at Wembley Stadium in 2017, she got a tattoo of Saturn with a drawing of Los Angeles in the center on her right wrist. It’s an astrological reference to her Saturn return, which occurs every 27 to 29.5 years when Saturn completes its full orbit around the sun and returns to the zodiac sign in which you were born. Between the ages of 27 and 30, everyone experiences a Saturn return, which can often mark the beginning and end of significant events in their life.

Annie Foster
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